Your personal brand is critical to your success. Think of how a company sells its products. Direct that concept toward yourself. You are the product. How are you going to sell you? What is your niche market? How do you reach that niche market? You are unique. Recognize your uniqueness. What is your passion? Direct your uniqueness toward achieving your goals.

Be careful not to have too many goals that don’t relate. If you have too many goals that don’t relate, you are going in too many directions and will dilute your purpose. Your target audience will be confused.

Differentiate from your competitors. Make yourself or your product or your service different from the herd. Niche marketing is a viable strategy that focuses on an underserved population. As a job seeker, identify the companies that are in line with your interests and your goals. Research the company’s mission and roadblocks. Structure a resume that conveys your abilities, strengths, determination and initiative in taking on those challenges and accomplishing the company’s mission.

Your brand is you. A well-crafted resume will get you the interview. Now it is up to you as to how you will present yourself. Your dress, speech, tone of voice, clearness of thought, how you communicate and empathize, body language, facial expressions, intellectual confidence are all critical in winning the position.

Find your authentic self. This is what makes you unique and sets you apart. There is no one else like you in the world. You are the master of your own ship. It is up to you and only you to find and develop your unique self. This is a never ending journey. You are the navigator of your future. Once you realize and act upon it, a new world of infinite possibilities will open up to you.