Choosing a career path that is the right fit for you has never been easy. It is rare to know at a young age what your passion is. One is most fortunate to have that insight when they are just a child. For the rest of us, it’s a long and bumpy road; at times even treacherous. I suppose, if we had a choice, we would like to have been blessed with a passion that originated in childhood. However, that long journey into obliqueness took you into the depths of your inner self that few have ever experienced. That is the groundwork of someone who is dynamic, charismatic, self-confident and not afraid to explore the unknown. As you mature, you change and evolve. This life-long journey may take you to a place that you could never imagine. It is quite possible to have five careers or more in a lifetime.

Who are you, really? Take a good and long objective look at your personality. What are you naturally drawn to? What peaks your interest? What speaks to you? What types of environments do you feel you can thrive in? What types of environments are toxic to you? You decide how and where to start this life-long journey. Turn every negative into a positive; there’s a reason for everything. Struggling brings growth. Enjoy the ride.

As you know, anything in the healthcare and the technology focused field are in high demand.

  1. Nurse Practitioner
  2. Registered Nurse [RN]
  3. Solar Energy Technician
  4. Wind Energy Technician
  5. Software Developer
  6. Physical Therapist
  7. Health Services Manager
  8. Data Analyst
  9. Digital Content Specialist
  10. Information Security Analyst
  11. Computer Systems Analyst
  12. Biomedical Engineer
  13. Mechanical Engineering Specialist
  14. Digital Marketing Professionals
  15. Education Professionals

What does the future hold? What’s on the horizon? Let your imagination run wildly and freely at full speed and you can figure it out.

These careers may exist or are in the developmental stage:

  1. Blockchain Developer
  2. Civil or Commercial Drone Pilot or Dispatcher
  3. Smart Building Technology
  4. 3D-Printing Technician
  5. Personal Brand Advisor
  6. Robotics Service Technician
  7. Nanotech Engineer
  8. Biomech Technician
  9. Genetic Engineer
  10. Tech Ethicist
  11. AI
  12. Custom Body Part Manufacturer
  13. Brain Implant Specialist
  14. Hyper-Intelligent Transportation Engineer
  15. Personal Microbiome Manager

Reference: McKinsey Global Institute